Rug Pad

Whether oriental, wool or braided, any gorgeous rug that stays in its best condition for a long time has a little secret hidden underneath – a rug pad. Rug pads protect rug materials from wearing out, facilitate maintenance of rugs and floors and prevent slippage. These and other benefits of rug pads make them a must-have item of any home decorated with rugs. Let us tell you more about why rug pads are so great.

Rug Protection

Quality rug padding protects your area rugs from damage and prematurely wearing out so that they will serve you longer without needing to be repaired. How does it work? Rug pads provide a barrier from the debris and dirt particles trapped between the floor and the rug. They also cushion the pressure of heavy furniture and foot traffic around your home, thus protecting your rugs from damage and deformation. We liken it to wearing 99 cent flip flops versus a supportive orthotic shoe.

Rug Pads Prevent Slippage

Rugs may inertly move when pressure is applied to one side of it, so the chances of slippage and injury while walking or running through the house are rather high. A proper rug pad allows your rug to rest firmly on the floor, preventing the slippage. This is very important, especially in homes with older adults, children and pets. According to these studies, nearly 38,000 adults ages 65 or older are treated annually for falls associated with carpets and rugs. And children are always children: preventing a slip or trip could prevent an injury!


Rug Pads for Hardwood Floor Protection  

Rug pads protect the precious hardwood floor in a number of ways. First, it saves the floor from tints and dyes of the area rugs that can gradually wear off on the floor, making its color change too. Second, grime and dirt that normally collect under the rug scratch and damage the floor surface. If rug pads are used, dirt and dry soiling can remain on the surface of a pad and can be easier cleaned with vacuuming. In addition, our Eco Premium rug pad is an effective moisture barrier and does not allow pet urine or wet spills to reach the floor under the rug, which is particularly important for hardwood floor protection.  

Rug Pads for More Efficient Cleaning

Rug pads with air holes provide a space for airflow between a rug and the floor, which allows more efficient vacuuming. Thus, vacuums remove more dirt and debris from the fabric and help your rugs look great between professional cleaning. Moreover, rug pads can prevent building up of bacteria and mildew under a rug due to excess moisture, which ensures better air quality in your house.

Better Feel and Look

Rug pads cushion your steps and provide comfort underfoot. This provides the additional luxury you will easily recognize. Another advantage of rug pads is sound reduction they provide: cushioned quiet steps give the feeling of calmness to your home. If your neighbors bother you with marching all day long, you might also wish to recommend using rug pads to them too. In addition, to better feel and sound isolation, rugs pads prevent rugs from grinding against the floor. This way, your rugs always look their best.  

Rug Pads Cost

A quality rug pad is a low-cost investment considering the value it provides. The longevity of your rugs and hardwood floor can be extended, therefore paying for themselves many times over. Comfort coupled with soft, clean and cushioned rugs will help your home look great, which you might soon see as a good reason to invest in rug pads.

Rug Pad Replacement

Now that you know all the benefits of using rug pads, we are convinced that you want to join thousands of Pettyjohn’s clients who already use rug pads for all rugs in their homes. Call Pettyjohn’s today at 919-371-5452 to discuss further details on rug pad types that will work best for you!